
Dame Susan Devoy: Squash Legend and Beacon of Determination

Dame Susan Devoy: Squash Legend and Beacon of Determination

5 min read

Susan Devoy Sitting in front of Squash Court

With the recent inclusion of squash in the LA28 games, it's the perfect moment to shine a spotlight on Dame Susan Devoy. She is not only a towering figure in New Zealand sports history but also ranks prominently among the nation's most impactful personalities. Her reign on the squash courts is legendary, and her legacy stretches far beyond her athletic achievements. Susan Devoy epitomizes determination, leadership, and the unyielding spirit of New Zealand.

Early Years and Introduction to Squash

Born on January 4, 1964, in the vibrant town of Rotorua, Susan Devoy was introduced to a world rich in natural beauty and cultural significance. Rotorua, renowned for its bubbling mud pools, gushing geysers, and deeply rooted Maori traditions, became the initial backdrop to her formative years. Growing up in such a unique environment might have played a role in shaping her resilient and dynamic character.

As the youngest of six siblings, Susan naturally looked up to her elder brothers for guidance and inspiration. It was under their influence that she was introduced to squash. This wasn't just a casual dalliance for the young Susan; even at the tender age of 7, she displayed an uncanny knack for the game. The small court and fast-paced game matched her quick reflexes, sharp anticipation, and unyielding determination.

But what truly set Susan apart was her innate competitive spirit. In the close-knit community of Rotorua, her prowess became quickly noticeable. Local tournaments soon beckoned, and it wasn't long before she was competing against, and often besting, players much older and experienced than herself. By her adolescent years, the whispers of her being a prodigy had begun.

The squash courts became Susan's second home, a place where she could hone her skills, challenge her limits, and build the foundation for what would later become a legendary career. As she journeyed through her teenage years, the support of her family, especially her brothers, became instrumental. They were her first coaches, critics, and cheerleaders, ensuring she had both the skillset and mindset to ascend the ladder of the squash world.

By the time she was ready to compete on a national and then international stage, Susan Devoy was not just a promising player; she was a force to be reckoned with. This early immersion in the sport, coupled with her upbringing in Rotorua, had forged a champion who was ready to take on the world.

Dominance on the World Stage

As the 1980s dawned, a new era of women's squash was on the horizon. Susan Devoy, hailing from the small town of Rotorua in New Zealand, was at the forefront of this transformation. Her impact on the global squash scene during the 1980s and early 1990s is one that has rarely been matched in the annals of the sport.

  • 1. World Championships: Winning a World Open title in squash is a crowning achievement for any player. For Susan Devoy, however, once was not enough. She clinched the coveted title not once, not twice, but an astounding four times. These victories in 1985, 1987, 1990, and 1992 weren't just isolated moments of brilliance; they were dominant displays of skill, athleticism, and strategy, propelling her into the league of the sport's legends. Each of these titles was a testament to her preparation, her tenacity, and her unrivalled skill on the court. The consistency she displayed over these years to remain at the pinnacle of the sport was truly exceptional.
  • 2. British Open Titles: Often referred to as the 'Wimbledon of Squash', the British Open is one of the oldest and most prestigious squash tournaments in the world. To win it once is a dream for many players. But Susan Devoy redefined excellence by clinching the title a staggering eight times. From her first win to her last in 1992, Devoy's control over the British Open was almost total, making her the queen of the iconic event. Her eight titles set a record for women in the sport, cementing her status not just as a champion but as the dominant force in women's squash during her era.
  • 3. Consecutive Wins: In any sport, consistency is the hallmark of greatness. In 1985, Susan Devoy achieved a feat that encapsulates her dominance over her rivals. A streak of 58 consecutive match wins isn't just about talent; it's about mental fortitude, physical resilience, and an unwavering belief in one's abilities. In a sport like squash, where every match is a brutal test of stamina, strategy, and skill, such a streak is nothing short of phenomenal. It wasn’t just that she was winning; it was the manner in which she outplayed and outlasted her opponents, making this record a shining jewel in her illustrious career.

Beyond Squash – A Life of Service

Post her retirement from professional squash in 1992, Susan Devoy did not fade away from the public eye. Instead, she took up roles that underscored her commitment to New Zealand and its multicultural ethos:

  • Race Relations Commissioner: Appointed in 2013, Devoy used her position to advocate for greater understanding and unity amongst New Zealand's diverse communities.
  • Philanthropy and Community Work: Her participation in charitable events, such as the World Masters Games, and her association with various community initiatives showcases her dedication to giving back.

Awards and Honours

The accolades Susan Devoy received in recognition of her services to squash and to New Zealand are numerous:

  • Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (DNZM): Bestowed upon her in 1998 for her services to squash.
  • New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame: Inducted in 1995, it was a fitting tribute to her unparalleled achievements in the squash world.


Susan Devoy’s story is more than just the sum of her squash titles. It is a narrative of perseverance, breaking boundaries, and defining excellence on one's own terms. For many New Zealanders, she is not just a sporting icon but a symbol of what is possible with grit, determination, and a relentless pursuit of one’s passion.

For future generations of sportspersons in New Zealand and across the world, Susan Devoy’s legacy will serve as a beacon of inspiration – to excel not just in sport but also in life beyond it.

In a land known for its breathtaking landscapes and the indomitable All Blacks, Susan Devoy’s name rightfully takes its place among the pantheon of New Zealand's greats. Her achievements, both on and off the squash court, make her a shining example for all New Zealanders, reminding us of the potential within when one is driven by passion and purpose.

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